The only real way to become a TV Presenter is to make a TV showreel.
and show the world what you can do!

To make a TV Presenter booking with Telly Faces let us know:

1) What Kind of TV Showreel demo you want to make

2) When you want to do it

3) Do you want to have someone to interview ? (if so we can arrange that)

Remember for a basic TV showreel you'll have up to 5 mins, so keep it simple. It really doesn't matter what the subject, but if you can enthuse about it that helps.

What kind of TV programme would you like to present? We do it all ! Reality TV, DIY programmes, holiday shows, pop, cooking, real life, life style, quiz shows, shopping TV, travel, history, politics, arts, weather, showbiz gossip, sports, gardening, home style, local TV features, men & motors, consumer, documentary, fashion, children's TV, film reviews, video vodcasts.

Most TV Presenter Training and shooting of a TV Presenter Showreel is conducted either on location or in a studio atmosphere. Your completed showreel will run for up to 5 minutes.

We aim to produce and direct a showreel which displays your abilities looking and sounding refreshing.

Email Telly Faces to move things on.

We also produce Acting Showreels and TV Continuity Announcing courses. (The voice that introduces TV Programmes).